The Non-Profit Division plays a pivotal role in Kolah Environmental overall functionality because while Kolah Environmental is a for-profit organization, there are a number of roles in the sphere of the non-profit world that we find necessary to perform to give Kolah Environmental the platform to be an holistic organization serving both the environment and the segment of humanity that stands in need of charitable assistance. Recognizing that in economic terms, non-profit organizations seek not to enrich the organization’s executives by surplus income distribution to them; rather, the productive utilization of any surplus to further enhance the mission, goal, or purpose of the non-profit, Kolah Environmental is so committed.
Kolah Environmental is fully committed to this principle and is structured to maintain separate lines of business demarcation between the functions of the non-profit and the for-profit so as not to impede the non-profit tax-exempt status of this Division as it goes about serving the public interest in its charitable work. The Non-Profit Division of Kolah Environmental is a separate entity with distinctly separate revenue destinations. Kolah Environmental, Inc. is a 501(c)3 IRS designate corporation.
(Link coming soon)